Chakra healing with essential oils

Chakra healing with essential oils
balance in life energy for your well-being

Inside the body are energetic centers known as chakras. These chakras play a vital role in maintaining your physical, emotional and spiritual health. Chakra healing is a method aimed at balancing these energy centers, leading to improved well-being. Essential oils, sourced from Mother Nature are becoming increasingly popular as support for chakra healing. They can make a powerful contribution to restoring your life energy and promoting balance in your life.

What are chakras

Chakras are the energy centers of your body. They distribute the flow of life energy, also called prana through your body, aura and even beyond. This energy system, originating in India, has been known for more than four thousand years and consists of seven main chakras. These chakras begin at the base of your spine and extend to the crown of your head. Each chakra has a unique purpose and theme

such as grounding, safety, passion, creativity, confidence, inner strength, purity, compassion, expression, insight, awareness and connection.

In an ideal situation, life energy flows smoothly through all chakras and they are connected with each other in harmony. The valuable information they continuously exchange with each other is then fully balanced. You feel balanced and full of life energy.

Chakra healing and balans

Chakras can become unbalanced due to a variety of circumstances which in turn leads to physical, emotional or spiritual discomfort. For example, consider feelings of insecurity, confusion, lack of energy or difficulty expressing emotions. Similarly, profound events can take you out of balance. When one chakra is out of balance, it can already affect your vitality and the way you experience yourself and your environment.

By balancing chakras, symptoms can be reduced. It restores the natural flow of energy in your body and allows you to get back into the flow of the day more easily.  

There are different ways for chakra healing, such as meditation, yoga, music, gemstones, food and colors. So is aromatherapy with the essential oils.

Power of essential oils in chakra healing

Essential oils, the pure essence of Mother Nature are a powerful support in chakra balancing. They are a stimulator to let the energy wheels turn smoothly again. Your life energy can then flow naturally again so that you can feel a deep connection with the essence of who you really are.

Each essential oil has properties that respond to the needs of your chakra system. They have energetic frequencies that resonate with a chakra. By using the right oils at the right time, with the right chakra, you can eliminate imbalances in energy centers and restore energy flow. Check out my tips below and get inspired.

Chakra 1 - Rootchakra (Muladhara): Your foundation for a strong basis and sense of security. Vetiver or Myrrh supports you to feel grounded and connect with Mother Earth.

Chakra 2 – Sacraalchakra (Svadhisthana): Your place of creativity and emotions. Ylang-ylang or Benzoe invite you to enjoy the sweetness of life and that you may allow emotions to flow.

Chakra 3 - Solarplexus chakra (Manipura): Your area of energetic digestion, your strength and confidence. Ginger will warm you and Juniper gives you protection.

Chakra 4 - Heartchakra (Anahata): Your center for love, compassion and connection. Rose Oil and Bergamot help you give love, receive love and strengthen self-esteem.

Chakra 5 - throat chakra (Vishuddha): Your communication center and expression. Blue chamomile decongests and Douglas fir supports you to communicate honestly and powerfully.

Chakra 6 - Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Your gateway to intuition and wisdom where Mirte and Ciste Rose help open your third eye and strengthen your inner vision.

Chakra 7 - Crownchakra (Sahasrara): Your source for spiritual connection and enlightenment. Angelica root and Elemi open your crown chakra and connect you to the higher self from grounding.

Chakra healing in your daily life

It is easy to integrate chakra healing into your daily life. You can do this by paying attention to it every day. Taking a moment for yourself, making a cup of tea, listening to good music, eating healthy food. Or doing a mindfull exercise, meditating or just sitting quietly. Combining this with essential oils is very effective.  

By regularly taking time for yourself and being mindful with your energetic balance, you can reap the long-term benefits of increased life energy and improved well-being.

If you want to integrate chakra healing with essential oils into your daily life, here again I have some tips for you:

Diffusing Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a diffuser. Let the scent spread through your space during meditation, yoga or simply for the fragrance experience.

Direct application Mix 1-3 drops of essential oil with a 10 ml carrier oil and gently massage into the corresponding chakra area.

Aromatic bathing Take a bowl of sea salt or yogurt with honey. Add 1-3 drops of essential oil. Mix well and add to your hot bath. Enjoy the relaxation and balancing.

Inhalation Apply a drop of oil to a scented stone or any porous stone found in nature. Close your eyes and subtly inhale the scent. Connect from soul to soul and follow the scent with each breath. Do this for as long as you wish and then place the scented stone next to you as an anchor.

Your journey to essence of well-being

Chakra healing with essential oils is a wonderful way to restore the natural flow of your energy system and increase your well-being. By embracing the power of Mother Nature, you can balance your life energy so that you experience physical, emotional and spiritual well-being on all levels.

Be inspired by the power of Mother Nature. Discover how you can use essential oils to heal your chakras. Discover how the essence of your well-being can be strengthened with them. I grant you to be balanced, connected to the core of who you are and able to live from heart and soul.

Stay sparkling, stay balanced, and enjoy your journey to a higher level of well-being
With love, Joanne

And do you want more with chakra healing

Then there is a great program for both the beginner and professionals

E-learning a chakra balancing experience for beginners: If you are just starting out, you can take the e-learning with the chakra balancing experience, supported by Chakra kit with pure aroma blends using only essential oils of high therapeutic value. This provides an accessible way to learn and experience the basics of chakra healing.

Specialization Essence to well-being chakra balancing for professionals: For therapists and healthcare providers in the regual healthcare and complemantaire healthcare, there is the HBO accredited specialisatie Essentie tot welzijn chakra balancing. This specialization provides in-depth knowledge and skills to use chakra healing professionally.

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