Aromas play a significant role in our lives. They affect our mood, our energy and influence the atmosphere around the room. Natural and pure fragrances support, inspire and heal. They invite you to be yourself and bring out the best in you. Enjoy the use of essential oils and discover the power of Mother Nature. This enrichment of your daily life is something I would love for you to experience.
With love,
Enjoying aromas in your daily life with essential oils
Without noticing, we are immersed in all sorts of fragrances throughout the day. That’s because we smell with each of the 15,000 breaths we take a day. That's a lot of moments for you and others to have a luscious aroma experience. This experience with natural and pure fragrances, also called essential oils, is wellness for mind, body and soul.
AromaWise Activities
The Right Scent
Explore how you can use essential oils to create an atmosphere that fits you perfectly and learn how to use them to their full potential. Discover how to create your own fragrant products and how to enjoy essential oils in a safe way. Experience the wisdom of Mother Earth’s fragrances, while bringing wellness to mind, body and soul.
• Sign up for a fragrant workshop
• Join AromaWise for a field trip and distil your own fragrance
• Take the AromaWise Basics Course with Joanne
Fragrance Facts
The better a scent matches the atmosphere of a space, the longer you will stay inside
A picture is worth a thousand words, a fragrance is worth a thousand pictures
Chakra healing with essential oils
Ontdek hoe chakra healing met etherische oliën je levensenergie kan herstellen en je welzijn kan verbeteren. Leer meer over chakra balancing en de kracht van aromatherapie.
Masterclass all about lavender - harvest, distill and create.
Masterclass all about lavendel AromaWise by Joanne. Oogsten, destilleren en creëren met Joanne Klein Wolterink
Aromablend, the art of creating with scents
Het creëren van een unieke aromablend is een samenspel tussen de klant, mij als ontwikkelaar en geuren uit Moeder Natuur. Een creatief proces, teamwork, afstemming en luisteren met je neus.
Meerdaagse Rozen studiereis naar Isparta – Verken de essentie van Rozenolie
Ga mee op rozen-studiereizen en wordt helemaal ondergedompeld door de roos en haar omgeving. leer alle ins en outs en laat je zintuigen beroeren. Dit alles overgoten met natuur en cultuur om uiteindelijk vol rozige wijsheden weer terug te gaan naar huis.
Scent Experiences
Experiencing aromas is possible anywhere. In your office space, your shop, wellness centre or professional practice. Discover how a unique aroma blend enriches your brand and inspires your customers.
Are you curious about the ways you can use fragrances to elevate your service or product? Schedule an informal meeting with Joanne and and get inspired.
Let’s have a cup of tea...
Come talk about how you can use Mother Earth’s fragrances in your daily life. Or about the ways in which you can surprise your clients with an aroma experience. We’ll meet online or in the AromaWise studio.